Safe Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal in New Orleans, LA

At Renew Wellness Dentistry, your safety is our top priority. We never use mercury in our fillings and follow strict protocols to ensure the safe removal of any existing mercury fillings.

Your well-being is our primary concern throughout the entire process.

Safe mercury removal - renew wellness dentistry

Ensuring Your Safety with Safe Mercury Filling Removal

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We prioritize your safety during the removal of mercury fillings. Our team uses protective gear and advanced tools such as rubber dams and vacuums to capture harmful particles and vapors.

To further protect you, we provide clean oxygen throughout the procedure. We minimize mercury release by using cool water and cutting the filling into pieces before drilling.

After the removal, the area is thoroughly rinsed with chlorella or charcoal slurry to eliminate any residue, ensuring your health and safety.

Schedule an exam today to start your safe mercury filling removal process!

Understanding the Risks of Mercury Filling Removal

Although they appear silver, amalgam fillings actually contain 50% mercury, a dangerous metal known to cause long-term neurological damage to the brain and nervous system.

Traditional removal methods can result in the inhalation or ingestion of mercury particles or gas, posing risks to both patients and dental staff. That’s why we use specialized protocols to minimize exposure and ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

Mercury filling removal mercury filling removal
Dangers of mercury fillings are mercury fillings bad

Understanding the Hazards of Retaining Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings don’t bond to teeth, resulting in potential leakage and bacterial infiltration, leading to underlying issues like decay.

At Renew Wellness Dentistry, our fillings resemble natural teeth and chemically bond to protect against decay. We prioritize safe removal of old mercury amalgam fillings, replacing them with healthier, natural-looking alternatives.

Schedule Your New Patient Exam and Start Healing Today

Schedule your new patient exam with us today to get to the root of your health issues.

Give us a call at  (504) 391-0000 or fill out our form on the page and we will get back to you right away.

If you call after hours, kindly leave a message and we’ll return your call as soon as possible on the following business day.

Quote mercury filling removal

“This is the first truly wellness-focused practice I’ve encountered. As I start my journey toward optimal health and well-being (which always begins in the mouth), I am immensely grateful for the thorough and knowledgeable approach of these providers. I highly recommend bringing your children here so they can grow to be their healthiest selves. Dr. Ivonne Castro will help you identify the root of the issue, rather than just addressing the symptoms.”

Sara M – Patient at Renew Dental

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